The vast majority of the modern internal combustion engines work on Otto cycle opened in 1876. Such engines are better known as four-stroke, as their operation is performed in four phases. They are commonly known phases – intake, compression, power and exhaust. The Otto cycle is characterized by gas ignition from external sources as sparks. Any oil engine (including diesel) after some modifications can be converted to methane. However, many people after the conversion of the vehicle to gas pointed out the negative aspects:
Namely the gas engine was a prototype of the combustion engine, several decades before the invention of Maybach and Daimler. In 1860, Jean Etienne Lenoir developed the first two-stroke gas engine fired by a coal gas, which was launched in series. Today, the engines running on a gas motor fuel are used globally and its consumption annually increases by approximately 30%. By the projections of experts, by the year 2020 the number of the natural gas vehicles will reach 50 million, and by the year 2030 this number will double. Today the USA, Germany, India, China and many other countries are actively developing programs for the introduction of the gas motor fuel.
Global Gas Group offers the solution to these problems with the Power Turbo gas engine designed on the basis of Iveco Cursor 13 serial engine. It develops the power of 410 hp at torque of 2025 N ·m and can be installed on the most types of trucks and commercial vehicles of comparable or lower capacity.
The engine becomes gaseous due to its mechanical and intelligent modification. Special electronic system of control, monitoring and diagnostics installed takes into account all its design and operational features, completely eliminating the shortcomings of the conversion to the gas motor fuel.
The installation of the electronic control system ensures high reliability due to timely detection of errors and control of the fuel quality.
High heat load of the engine is one of the most serious problems in the conversion to the methane, which we solve by intelligent torque limiting using the electronic system. At the same time, the limiting does not apply in the whole speed range as in other converted analogues, therefore the capacity of Power Turbo is comparable to the diesel ones.
To increase fuel cost effectiveness, there was developed and implemented a system of port fuel injection suitable for intelligent change of mix rate beneficiation. Algorithms of changes depend on the temperature and power mode of operation, which is constantly monitored by intelligent electronic systems of engine.
The cylinders are equipped with pistons with a top of special form and special combustion chambers - they provide optimum distribution of the flame front at minimum gas mixture supply after ignition of the fuel-air mixture.
Due to the release of Power Turbo engine to mass production, Global Gas Group solves the main task – conversion of the transport from diesel or petroleum to environmentally sound and cost effective fuel (methane), eliminating all the negative factors to maintain advantageous of such conversion:
Global Gas Group is ready to enter batch manufacturing of powerful, reliable and cost effective gas engines with a possibility to install them on various types of trucks and special equipment. Our Company offers comprehensive solutions for the conversion of the entire enterprises to natural gas that bring significant economic and operational benefits:
We have individual approach to the development of each project and calculate its profitability and timeline. This approach allows prompt and painless re-equipment of the vehicle without reducing the production pace and efficiency of the enterprise.
Attention! Global Gas Group recommends the installation of special gas equipment only by a licensed company. This will ensure the safety and reliability of your vehicle.
Then it is required to register upgrades in the vehicle design that includes a receipt of a certificate for equipment use, registration and preparation of the act in the traffic police, replacement of the vehicle technical passport.