
Global Gas Group with care for the country ecology.

As a rule, the main kind of fuel for the boiler house and transport energy supply in the off-gas regions of Kazakhstan, including in the capital of the Republic the Astana city is diesel (gas oil) and coal, which, as is well known, release a lot of toxic substances when burned. Less common, but equally harmful to the environment is fuel oil and solid heating fuel, which are also used for heating of industrial and residential properties.

Heavy slurry, ash dust and other products of combustion, remaining in the city atmosphere in calm weather, cause considerable discomfort and concern of environmentalists.

LNG is natural gas in liquid state (liquefied natural gas). As a result of regasification, consumer receives conventional commercial gas. Thanks to the LNG technology, commercial gas equally efficiently and safely used for both private and industrial customers for heating and cooking as natural gas motor fuel.

When exposed to the environment, for example, the filling process, LNG quickly evaporates, leaving no residue on water or soil.

Natural gas is the most environmentally friendly of the fossil fuels and is currently used worldwide to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. Compared to coal, natural gas produces much less carbon dioxide and sulfur emissions. Liquefied natural gas has no odor, is colorless, it is not flammable and not explosive, chemically non-toxic. LNG by 75-99% consists of methane.

In the methane molecule one carbon atom is to four hydrogen atoms. Such an optimal ratio of these elements is not observed in any one of the remaining hydrocarbons. In the case of natural gas, which is composed of methane, this means that when generating one unit of energy, less carbon dioxide is emitted than from the other energy sources. So, in propane, one atom of carbon is to 2.7 atoms of hydrogen; in fuel oil, this value is even smaller. The worst indicator of carbon dioxide is observed at direct combustion of brown coal: for each generated unit of energy, about twice as much greenhouse gases are emitted than in the case of natural gas.

Thus, “blue fuel” has serious potential for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. According to the results of the natural gas ecological potential study conducted by Jens Hob under order of the Fund of economy and politics at the German Institute for International Politics and Security, when combusting natural gas shows minimum content of CO2 in comparison with the other energy sources.

Another independent study conducted in 2009 under order of CLng by PaceGlobalEnergyServices showed coal-fired power plants existing in the USA produce more than twice as much greenhouse gas emissions than the electricity generation plants of based on regasified LNG. Even the cleanest coal technologies produce 70 percent more life cycle greenhouse gas emissions than electricity generated based on regasified LNG.

To date, according to experts of Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control of Astana City, natural environment, including land, water and air are exposed to strong anthropogenic impact. According to experts, there are only three types of the most important emission sources. These are stationary sources (combined heat and power plants and boiler houses), motor transport and fugitive emission sources (construction sites, industrial sites, cement points, asphalt plants, etc.).

In the framework of the Astana city gasification project, it is possible to significantly reduce the negative impacts on the ecology of all over the city and region. The LNG technology will allow replacing environmentally unfriendly energy resources.